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Standard - No Standard

Joost Zoeteman | Bart Tarenskeen | Wim de Vries

Standard - No Standard

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917359824
Catnr: CR 73598
Release date: 07 March 2025
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73598
Release date
07 March 2025

"... Contemporary jazz in a class of its own - highly recommended!"

er-em, 09-3-2025

About the album

In a time when musical genres are constantly in dialogue with one another, Standard - No Standard proves that the jazz tradition is not only alive but also constantly evolving. This album, the result of a powerful collaboration between guitarist Joost Zoeteman, bassist Bart Tarenskeen, and drummer Wim de Vries, showcases how three musicians masterfully strike a balance between reverence for jazz history and a fresh, contemporary approach.

The album features a blend of four original compositions by Tarenskeen and one by Zoeteman, alongside carefully selected jazz standards. The title Standard - No Standard seems to allude to the freedom the trio takes in interpreting the standards of jazz—honoring tradition while moving beyond it. It speaks to the inherent risks of being a jazz musician: the constant play with unpredictability, the thrill of improvisation, and the delicate balance of freedom and structure.

The trio’s lineup of guitar, double bass, and drums is a classic in jazz, yet rare in its simplicity, creating a soundscape that is both compact and rich. Each track reflects a deep love for the genre, while remaining fresh and current. This trio dares to dive into the tradition, respects it, but also renews it. They breathe in the history of jazz and exhale it transformed, infused with their own unique voices.

Standard - No Standard is not only a showcase of virtuosity but also a conversation between past and present. The album demonstrates that jazz, in its most classic form, is still highly relevant today, and that innovation and taking risks are at the heart of this musical life. This trio convincingly shows that jazz, like life itself, is always in motion.

In een tijd waarin muzikale genres voortdurend met elkaar in gesprek zijn, bewijst Standard - No Standard dat de jazztraditie niet alleen springlevend is, maar ook continu in ontwikkeling. Dit album, het resultaat van een krachtige samenwerking tussen gitarist Joost Zoeteman, bassist Bart Tarenskeen en drummer Wim de Vries, laat zien hoe drie musici meesterlijk een balans vinden tussen eerbied voor de jazzgeschiedenis en een frisse, eigentijdse benadering.

Het album bevat een mix van vier originele composities van Tarenskeen en één van Zoeteman, aangevuld met zorgvuldig geselecteerde jazzstandards. De titel Standard - No Standard lijkt te verwijzen naar de vrijheid die het trio neemt bij het interpreteren van de jazzstandards – traditie erend, maar tegelijkertijd daarbuiten tredend. Het weerspiegelt de inherente risico’s van het zijn van een jazzmuzikant: het constante spel met onvoorspelbaarheid, de opwinding van improvisatie en de delicate balans tussen vrijheid en structuur.

De bezetting van gitaar, contrabas en drums is klassiek in de jazz, maar zeldzaam in zijn eenvoud, en creëert een geluidsspectrum dat zowel compact als rijk is. Elk nummer weerspiegelt een diepe liefde voor het genre, terwijl het toch fris en actueel blijft. Dit trio durft de traditie in te duiken, respecteert deze, maar vernieuwt ook. Ze ademen de geschiedenis van de jazz in en ademen deze weer uit, getransformeerd en doordrenkt met hun eigen unieke stemmen.

Standard - No Standard is niet alleen een showcase van virtuositeit, maar ook een dialoog tussen verleden en heden. Het album toont aan dat jazz, in zijn meest klassieke vorm, vandaag de dag nog steeds zeer relevant is en dat innovatie en risico’s nemen het hart vormen van dit muzikale leven. Dit trio bewijst op overtuigende wijze dat jazz, net als het leven zelf, altijd in beweging is.

In einer Zeit, in der Musikgenres ständig miteinander im Dialog stehen, beweist Standard - No Standard, dass die Jazztradition nicht nur lebendig ist, sondern sich auch ständig weiterentwickelt. Dieses Album, das Ergebnis einer eindrucksvollen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Gitarristen Joost Zoeteman, dem Bassisten Bart Tarenskeen und dem Schlagzeuger Wim de Vries, zeigt, wie drei Musiker meisterhaft eine Balance zwischen der Ehrfurcht vor der Jazzgeschichte und einem frischen, zeitgenössischen Ansatz finden.

Das Album enthält eine Mischung aus vier Originalkompositionen von Tarenskeen und einer von Zoeteman sowie sorgfältig ausgewählte Jazz-Standards. Der Titel „Standard - No Standard“ scheint auf die Freiheit anzuspielen, die sich das Trio bei der Interpretation der Jazz-Standards nimmt – die Tradition zu ehren und gleichzeitig darüber hinauszugehen. Er spricht die Risiken an, die mit dem Dasein als Jazzmusiker einhergehen: das ständige Spiel mit der Unvorhersehbarkeit, der Nervenkitzel der Improvisation und das empfindliche Gleichgewicht zwischen Freiheit und Struktur.

Die Trio-Besetzung mit Gitarre, Kontrabass und Schlagzeug ist ein Klassiker im Jazz, aber selten in ihrer Einfachheit, und erzeugt eine Klanglandschaft, die sowohl dicht als auch reichhaltig ist. Jeder Titel spiegelt eine tiefe Liebe für das Genre wider, bleibt aber frisch und aktuell. Dieses Trio wagt es, in die Tradition einzutauchen, respektiert sie, erneuert sie aber auch. Sie atmen die Geschichte des Jazz ein und atmen sie verändert aus, durchdrungen von ihren eigenen einzigartigen Stimmen.

„Standard - No Standard“ ist nicht nur eine Demonstration von Virtuosität, sondern auch ein Dialog zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Das Album zeigt, dass Jazz in seiner klassischsten Form auch heute noch höchst relevant ist und dass Innovation und Risikobereitschaft im Mittelpunkt dieses musikalischen Lebens stehen. Dieses Trio zeigt überzeugend, dass Jazz, wie das Leben selbst, immer in Bewegung ist.


Bart Tarenskeen (double bass)

Joost Zoeteman (guitar)

Guitarist Joost Zoeteman is known for his idiosyncratic guitar playing, a crossover of jazz, gypsy jazz and contemporary influences from all over the world. With a fresh and open approach to existing styles, he breathes new life into styles with roots in tradition. The American magazine Just Jazz Guitar wrote about Joost's playing: 'this is Music with balls, artistry and attitude from a player who has chops for days' The music has led Joost in recent years to successful performances at the Hidrelliz Festival Istanbul, Djangofollies and more , Khamoro Gypsy Festival and the North Sea Jazz Festival.   'With their concert program, the musicians showed their great class' - Aachener Zeitung   'A powerful statement about the strength and durability of the art form called Jazz' - Roni...
Guitarist Joost Zoeteman is known for his idiosyncratic guitar playing, a crossover of jazz, gypsy jazz and contemporary influences from all over the world. With a fresh and open approach to existing styles, he breathes new life into styles with roots in tradition. The American magazine Just Jazz Guitar wrote about Joost's playing: "this is Music with balls, artistry and attitude from a player who has chops for days" The music has led Joost in recent years to successful performances at the Hidrelliz Festival Istanbul, Djangofollies and more , Khamoro Gypsy Festival and the North Sea Jazz Festival.
"With their concert program, the musicians showed their great class" - Aachener Zeitung "A powerful statement about the strength and durability of the art form called Jazz" - Roni Ben Hur

Wim de Vries (drums)


Ray Noble

Raymond Stanley Noble was born on December 17, 1903, in Brighton, the son of a London-based neurologist. He began piano lessons at 10 years old, and subsequently studied for five years with Professor Brigain Dale at the Royal Academy of Music. A short stint as a bank clerk helped to pay the bills while in the evening he set about trying to establish himself in the more inspiring world of dance music. He directed a small dance band in the Streatham area of South London and when this disbanded he formulated plans to put together a larger unit, one with which he could try out his growing portfolio of ambitious arrangements. Then, as is often the case, serendipity came into...
Raymond Stanley Noble was born on December 17, 1903, in Brighton, the son of a London-based neurologist. He began piano lessons at 10 years old, and subsequently studied for five years with Professor Brigain Dale at the Royal Academy of Music. A short stint as a bank clerk helped to pay the bills while in the evening he set about trying to establish himself in the more inspiring world of dance music. He directed a small dance band in the Streatham area of South London and when this disbanded he formulated plans to put together a larger unit, one with which he could try out his growing portfolio of ambitious arrangements. Then, as is often the case, serendipity came into play. In the summer of 1926, he entered a competition organised by the Melody Maker to try and find a British arranger whose talents could match those of the better-known American arrangers. Founded by music publisher and songwriter Laurence Wright, only a few months before the competition, the Melody Maker was established to disseminate information for - and to be a voice on behalf of - the growing dance band profession in Britain. It would also, though its various competitions, provide an important means of identifying and nurturing new talent.


Bart Tarenskeen (double bass)

Joost Zoeteman (guitar)

Guitarist Joost Zoeteman is known for his idiosyncratic guitar playing, a crossover of jazz, gypsy jazz and contemporary influences from all over the world. With a fresh and open approach to existing styles, he breathes new life into styles with roots in tradition. The American magazine Just Jazz Guitar wrote about Joost's playing: 'this is Music with balls, artistry and attitude from a player who has chops for days' The music has led Joost in recent years to successful performances at the Hidrelliz Festival Istanbul, Djangofollies and more , Khamoro Gypsy Festival and the North Sea Jazz Festival.   'With their concert program, the musicians showed their great class' - Aachener Zeitung   'A powerful statement about the strength and durability of the art form called Jazz' - Roni...
Guitarist Joost Zoeteman is known for his idiosyncratic guitar playing, a crossover of jazz, gypsy jazz and contemporary influences from all over the world. With a fresh and open approach to existing styles, he breathes new life into styles with roots in tradition. The American magazine Just Jazz Guitar wrote about Joost's playing: "this is Music with balls, artistry and attitude from a player who has chops for days" The music has led Joost in recent years to successful performances at the Hidrelliz Festival Istanbul, Djangofollies and more , Khamoro Gypsy Festival and the North Sea Jazz Festival.
"With their concert program, the musicians showed their great class" - Aachener Zeitung "A powerful statement about the strength and durability of the art form called Jazz" - Roni Ben Hur


... Contemporary jazz in a class of its own - highly recommended!
er-em, 09-3-2025

This album is filled with good energy from the first to the last moment...  
jazz-fun, 08-3-2025

... The well-balanced sound of double bass against (with!) semi-acoustic guitar on “Standard-No Standard” exerts a special fascination on me.
Na Dann, 21-3-2025

... the music is in motion, especially when it expresses itself through spontaneous rhythmic changes, always in the excellent interplay and dialog of the actors...
Musikansich, 12-3-2025

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